Monday, March 3, 2008

Why Am I Blogging?

Well, part of my job is to keep track of technology and see how it can be utilised in the public library environment. So rather than just observing technology, I thought I'd become part of the 2.0 generation and become a participant.

One of the things I hope to get out of undertaking this course is a better understanding of the value of technologies like blogs and wikis in a library environment. Do they have a place in the library environment? My honest answer at the moment is "probably".

So I hope to learn not just the process of this technology, but how I can use it to provide a better service to those library clients who want to use it. I emphasise that because I sometimes get worried that we as a profession get so starry-eyed about the wonders of technology that we forget, particularly in a public library environment, that we have a lot of clients who can't/won't/don't go online.

So, let's get underway and see where this journey takes us!

First Post

Hi. This is my first post on a my first blog. I'm doing this as a learning exercise, so I'm not sure where we'll end up. But hopefully it will be fun.